Never struggle with a razor again and forget about scheduling inconvenient and painful waxing sessions. At REFRESH Laser Spa, we offer GentleMax Pro laser hair removal treatments for fast, efficient and gentle hair reduction that’s safe for all skin types.
Are YOU ready to get smooth?

GentleMax Pro treatments are non-invasive, delivering light energy to hundreds of hair follicles at a time. To reduce discomfort, the laser uses a patented cooling system that sprays cryogen to deeply cool the top layer of your skin before and after every pulse of the laser. Depending on the size of the area being treated, a treatment may last from a few minutes to an hour or more.
This treatment will reduce hair growth resulting in smooth, beautiful skin!
Common Treatment Areas:
✓ Bikini Area
✓ Arms/Underarms
✓ Legs
✓ Body (Abdomen, Chest, Back)
✓ Neck
Depending on the issue being addressed, multiple sessions are typically needed. For example, a laser hair removal treatment to achieve full results, often takes between five and seven repeat sessions.
Side effects of treatments include temporary redness and swelling at the treatment site. This indicates your hair follicles have responded to the treatment. Side effects normally disappear within hours of treatment.
If you are tired of shaving and tweezing or battling ingrown hairs, GentleMax Pro hair removal might be right for you!
Candela GentleMax is very effective in treating a variety of conditions, so if you’re curious about what results you can achieve, we suggest starting with a free consultation.
At REFRESH Laser Spa, we offer GentleMax Pro laser hair removal treatments for fast, efficient, and gentle hair reduction, that is safe for all skin types.